Monday, January 26, 2009


Anyone ever train for a marathon?
How about for an atheletic competition?(maybe in the past?)
Remember the pain that you felt while training and shortly after training?
That was your body telling you that you were making progress.When you feel aches, you are being stretched. It makes your body reach the “Next Level”

Felt pain like that lately? How about in your spiritual life? Are you being stretched?
If you are not feeling any aches or pains, perhaps it is time to realize that you might not be growing?

I am not suggesting that you put yourself in harm’s way, what I am suggesting is that you step outside your comfort zone and stretch!

With the superbowl coming, I have football on the mind and when I think football, I think Tom Landry who said, “I make men do things that they don’t want to do so those same men can do the things the really want to do!”


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