Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Stress Management Tips

The year is almost over and I am watching people all around me under a tremendous amount of stress because of various things, like the economy, relationships, health, etc. Everyone experiences stress from time to time, so it is perfectly normal. BUT, normal doesn't mean healthy or inevitable!

Believe it or not, you can learn how to largely eliminate stress. I don't mean eliminate the pressures in your life – those will probably remain.
Pressure is what is happening to you. Stress is how you react to those pressures.

(Read that again!)

Recent Study "Stress in executives": Shows that low and middle level executives show many stress symptoms, like ulcers, high blood pressure, tension, burnout and so on. Top executives, however, as a group show much fewer stress signs.

Why do folks at the top show fewer signs of stress?

There may be many reasons, like more control over their lives, but it is hard to believe they don't have pressures. So why don't they get as stressed? The main reason is that they have learned how to handle the pressure without letting it eat them up.

The next 25 days will have a tip a day to deal with stress. Again, these are amazingly SIMPLE techniques and they will help you.

I have heard people that have taken my stress class say, "I tried your techniques and they don't help me." Let me address this comment: First, these are not my techniques. I have learned them from smarter people than me! Second, if one doesn't work, try another technique. Not every technique will help in every case; however, having a strategy to deal will stress is vital to your survial.

Trust me when I say this, "Stress kills!"

Stress Tip #1 tomorrow. Makes sense, right, Tip 1, January 1, see you tomorrow!
